So before we approach the end of the year and start to do some deep reflection, I just want to put it out there that this year has been awesome, and when I say awesome I mean awesome in all aspects of the word, awesomely bad and awesomely good lol.
The things I've learned, gained and attainted are definitely something to be proud of.
I've made some real big declarations, not only for the new year but for each new day, I'm not much of a fan of resolutions as I believe there just a hype into the new year and come February most of them are are a thing of the past. So I'm starting from now and believing that I will stick to them for the duration of life!! (God willing).
They say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and I've never heard a word so true. From loosing my job, to going through a deep breakup, I've had my fair share of tears but by Gods grace the past two years have been nothing short of a beautiful struggle, and the journey continues.
I may not get it right all the time or be the perfect person but my smile today comes from the pain I've been through and nothing or no-one can take that from me.
I encourage you to endure in YOUR moment, whether it be a good season or a bad. Your tears today will be the beginning of your joy tomorrow, its hard (no doubt) but after the rain comes the rainbow.
PS. I've got some goodies coming out soon :)
With Love ..
.. Jayslove x