Whats next ..

Daily I find my self having a 5 min emotional melt down - wondering whats next, which direction, what now - and then my senses kick in and I remember that God has a plan. I now live in the moment , enjoying the now and looking forward to the future.

I find that as females, we can be so hard on ourselves and easily give in to unnecessary emotions,  fall in to self pity and worse case get caught up in depression. I've recently been feeling like this but the moment I got up, got dressed and got ready with a BRAND NEW mindset - things started to change.
I had to do things on purpose and I had to make an effort rather than just expect things to fall on my lap. I had to make that phone call, go out and visit that friend, and want to be out my house doing something productive - My house was becoming too much of a comfort that I literally became stuck to my bed watching re runs of Friends.

If your ever feeling like this I urge you to do something on PURPOSE!!! Your future self will thank you for it and you'll be mad you didn't do it sooner. 

With love ..
,, Jayslove

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